A greater range for grease separation from trade waste
Management of wastewater from hospitality applications takes a step forward with the extension of ACO’s range of in-ground gravity grease arrestors, now available up to 5,000L total capacity.
Wastewater containing fats, oils and grease (FOGs) and food solids enter the grease arrestors from the kitchen or food processing plant. Food solids sink to the bottom of the unit under gravity, while FOGs, which are less dense, float to the top and the treated wastewater flows into the sewer system.
Treatment of trade waste is vital. FOGs in our water ways compromise hygiene, workplace health and safety, plumbing and the environment if not adequately managed. The build-up of FOGs in pipes or through untreated discharge can result in costly repair bills and non-compliance with water authorities and other regulatory bodies.

The range of below ground grease arrestors from ACO is now available in 3,000L, 4,000L and 5,000L capacities for in-ground applications to complement the 1,000L, 1,500L and 2000L below and above ground units. Larger commercial kitchens such as hospitals, cafeterias, cafes, and small food processors can now have greater control over FOGs discharged from sinks, dishwashers, kitchen appliances and other drainage outlets.
A single access point in ACO’s below ground units allows for easy access for maintenance and cleaning. ACO has a choice of access covers and reinforced precast concrete collars to provide protection of the grease traps for high traffic and load environments.
Constructed from lightweight polyethylene or glass reinforced plastic (GRP), ACO’s grease traps feature a smooth finish for easy cleaning and are corrosion resistant to cope with the harshest environments. If buoyancy is a concern, the grease traps design includes external ribs that key into the surrounding soil to assist in preventing the unit from floating.
Lightweight and robust, the grease traps are easy to install and can be incorporated into the overall wastewater system at the design stage or as a retrofit or upgrade. ACO provides full installation and design support for the decision making process including Revit models, drawings and installation guides.
“The ACO Passavant grease traps give designers peace of mind when it comes to trade waste discharge,” says Brad Ryan NSW Sales Manager, ACO. “The new range of capacities enables specifiers and installers to choose the most appropriate volume for the application knowing that the product is fully compliant with Australian water authorities and is easy to install, clean and maintain.”